Logical framework for Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) of Microfinance project
Uttaran is an NGO in Bangladesh that works on the social development of the poor and vulnerable. Their work is “focused on human rights, land rights and agrarian reform, sustainable water management, community based river basin management, adaptation to climate change, sustainable agriculture and food security. The Microfinance project was implemented by Uttaran in the 1990s. The following logical framework was developed for Uttaran’s microfinance project, as an MEL exercise.
Main elements:
The underlying philosophy based on the theory of action of Uttaran, can be broadly classified into the following sections:
Social well-being
Increasing awareness about gender issues and women’s rights
Improving community connectedness
Increasing investment in fundamental necessities such as health and education
Economic well-being and skill development
Diversification of livelihoods
Emphasizing on skill training
Improving entrepreneurship
Women’s economic participations
Women’s asset ownership
Political participation
Gender role division
The MEL system is designed to gather some additional information, such as:
Number of new businesses
Increase in assets
Increase in investments on health and education
Increase in loan amounts
Changes in payment rates
Changes in household decision-making